Spacecraft Measures Cosmic Darkness, the true darkness of the universe

The New Horizons spacecraft, at the edge of our solar system, recently captured images of some of the darkest skies ever to try and measure the true darkness of space. Even the darkest skies on Earth have some faint glow due to the atmosphere.

Key Facts & Points

  • New Horizons is over twice as far from the Sun as Pluto, allowing it to view very dark skies.
  • It imaged some of the darkest known patches of sky to measure background light.
  • Some unexplained faint glow was detected, twice what's expected from distant galaxies.
  • They plan to observe 15 more dark sky locations to study this further.
  • Even the best telescopes on Earth can't escape light pollution fully.

Psyche mission to metallic asteroid (Journey to a Metal World's Core)

The Psyche spacecraft launching in 2023 will visit a giant metal asteroid also called Psyche, which may be an exposed core of a planet. Studying it could reveal insights about Earth's interior.

Key Facts & Points

  • The Psyche asteroid is over 200km wide and made of iron and nickel.
  • It may be an exposed planetary core, a unique object to study.
  • The spacecraft will orbit and map it over 26 months starting in 2029.
  • Findings could help unlock mysteries about Earth's inaccessible core.
  • We can't directly study Earth's core due to extreme heat and pressure.

Designing for deaf accessibility (Optimizing Spaces for Inclusion)

Many public spaces are not designed with deaf people in mind, causing issues. Having more deaf architects and using principles like DeafSpace would make buildings more inclusive.

Key Facts & Points

  • Only 0.2% of UK architects are deaf, so most buildings ignore deaf needs.
  • Simple fixes like rounded tables and visual fire alarms can make big differences.
  • Guidelines and teaching need to integrate inclusive design basics early on.
  • Public consultations need to accommodate the deaf community better.
  • The goal is for deaf people to access and shape spaces freely.

Why the Manipulative Tactic of "Negging" Hurts So Bad

Negging involves giving backhanded compliments or insults to harm self-esteem and make someone more receptive to advances. It stems from power struggles and insecurity.

Key Facts & Points

  • Negging aims to lower self-esteem and make people doubt themselves.
  • Studies find people use negging to assert status and superiority.
  • It can also shield people's own insecurities and feeling threatened.
  • Negging harms both receiver and giver, making neither feel good.
  • Setting boundaries and tendering your needs helps counteract it.

Man Uses Strange Rock as Doorstop For Decades. It Turned Out to Be Worth a Fortune.

A Michigan man used a 10kg rock as a doorstop for 30 years before discovering it was a rare meteorite worth $75,000.

Key Facts & Points

  • The meteorite landed on a farm in the 1930s and was dug up still warm.
  • It remained a doorstop for decades, taken to show and tell by kids sometimes.
  • The owner finally had it evaluated by a geologist, who confirmed it was a meteorite.
  • It's one of the largest found in Michigan and contains high nickel.
  • He donated it to a planetarium in return for 10% of the $75,000 value.