Here are the key takeaways of the last week:

  • Oslo startup Databutton raised $5.1M to make AI app development accessible through its no-code platform.
  • Slingshot is a new app for quickly sharing photos with friends by "slinging" them instantly like Snapchat.
  • TikTok Shop launched in the US with ecommerce features like live shopping and shoppable ads.
  • Rich countries cutting emissions too slowly, need 5x faster reductions and post-growth policies.
  • Amazon has increasingly prioritized its private brands over third-party sellers on its marketplace.
  • Women underrepresented in 26% of AI roles, highly exposed to automation.
  • Ponyrun provides a ChatGPT-like experience for sales data insights.
  • Instacart customers report long delays, up to 5+ hours, for 1-hour delivery orders.
  • Voice shopping on Alexa drives little sales for niche direct-to-consumer brands.
  • Mental health benefits increasing with 88% of employers saying it boosts productivity.
  • Over 320,000 workers striking in US so far in 2023 seeking better pay and benefits.
  • Consultants with ChatGPT-4 were 12% more productive but relied too much on it.
  • Google testing advanced AI chatbot Gemini to rival ChatGPT.
  • Climate study predicts more extreme "non-survivable" heat events worldwide with 2°C warming.
  • Twitter revoked then reinstated UAW's verification during auto worker strikes.
  • Stability AI launched AI audio platform Stable Audio.
  • Platform X still throttles competitors like Facebook and Substack.
  • Companies pushing back-to-office despite preference for hybrid model.
  • Byron Allen bid $10B to acquire ABC, FX from Disney.
  • Fipto raised €15M for blockchain B2B payments platform.
  • Diet changes like cutting glucose early in life may promote healthy aging without calorie restriction.