How Clickup Became a $150M Revenue Machine

ClickUp has grown rapidly since 2017, reaching 85K customers. They succeeded with rigorous product development and marketing, including conversion-focused content, daily blog posts for SEO, community engagement, referrals, and unique advertising.

Key Facts & Points

  • Grew from 0 to 85K customers since 2017
  • Marketing tactics included content marketing, SEO, community, referrals
  • Unique "purple cow" advertising stood out


Testing New Email Contact Sharing on Platform X

Platform X is testing a feature allowing creators to get subscribers' email contacts. It adds a subscribe pop-up checkbox to share emails.

Key Facts & Points

  • New checkbox on subscribe pop-ups
  • Lets creators gather emails outside platform
  • Benefits creator engagement with audiences


Universal Analytics Still Processing Data

Google's Universal Analytics was supposed to stop on July 1, but data still flows in. Marketers shouldn't rely on it.

Key Facts & Points

  • Universal Analytics sunset was July 1
  • Many see new data processing still
  • Unwise to depend on it, could stop anytime


Analytics Debugger Chrome Extension

This extension helps debug analytics tools like Google Analytics, social pixels, etc. Key features inspect data attributes and block hits.

Key Facts & Points

  • Helps debug Google Analytics, social pixels, more
  • Can inspect data attributes
  • Block hits for testing


Measuring Paid Campaigns Beyond Revenue

Many measure campaigns by revenue, but should also use leading indicators for impact. Different campaign types need different metrics.

Key Facts & Points

  • Profitability focus leads to revenue-based measurement
  • Should also use leading indicators for impact
  • Different metrics for different campaign types


When Quality Isn't a Priority for Customers Yet

Tesla succeeded with some quality issues, showing the importance of branding and positioning. Competes on exclusive features, not just transportation.

Key Facts & Points

  • Succeeded despite some quality problems
  • Branding and positioning matter
  • Competes on exclusive features beyond transportation

The Rise and Fall of Vertical Farming Startups

Vertical farming startups attracted significant VC funding in 2020 but many have since failed. 15+ European vertical farming startups have gone out of business in recent years.

Key Facts & Points

  • Vertical farming saw $500M in funding in 2020 but is now struggling
  • 15+ European vertical farming startups have failed in recent years
  • Reasons for struggles include high costs and operational challenges


Wellbeing Tips from Founders and VCs

Self-care is critical in the stressful startup world. Top tips include practicing gratitude, establishing routines, disconnecting from tech, and having outside hobbies.

Key Facts & Points

  • Startup world brings high stress levels
  • Wellbeing tips: gratitude, routines, less screen time, hobbies
  • Keep perspective and have outlets beyond work

B2B Funding Surges in Europe

B2B funding hit $66.8B in Europe in 2022, far exceeding B2C funding of $16.1B. B2C-focused VCs are diversifying into B2B amid consumer tech struggles.

Key Facts & Points

  • B2B made up 80% of European startup funding in 2022
  • Capital efficiency helps European B2Bs thrive
  • B2C VCs moving into B2B as consumer sector struggles


AI's Impact on College Admissions

  • Universities grapple with students using AI for essays. Seen by some as plagiarism, others as democratizing.
  • Tests show AI-written essays lack creativity and authenticity. Provide starting point but don't capture unique student voice.
  • Admissions processes may need new methods to maintain authenticity as AI capabilities improve.

Testing AI Tools on Ivy League College Applications

  • Chatbots struggled with personal essay questions for Harvard, Yale, Princeton.
  • Often missed mark on specificity and personal touch needed.
  • Shows current limitations, though improvements are inevitable over time.


Proposed Robot Tax in US

  • Some propose tax on companies replacing humans with robots, to discourage automation.
  • Could address job displacement but may also dampen innovation.
  • Aims to shape labor demand and wage inequality exacerbated by new tech.
  • Defining what counts as a "robot" remains a key challenge.