Ancient Human Remains Sent to Edge of Space Sparks Controversy

Fossilized remains of ancient human relatives Australopithecus sediba and Homo naledi were sent to the edge of space by billionaire Timothy Nash aboard a Virgin Galactic flight, sparking criticism from scientists who call it unethical and lacking scientific justification.

Key Facts & Points

  • Fragmentary remains of Australopithecus sediba and Homo naledi were carried by Timothy Nash on a Virgin Galactic flight to the edge of space.
  • The fossils were chosen by paleoanthropologist Lee Berger, who led the team that discovered both species.
  • Scientists criticize the mission for lacking scientific purpose, disrespecting ancestral remains, and misrepresenting paleoanthropology.
  • The flight was permitted by the South African Heritage Resources Agency despite ethical concerns over sending human ancestral remains to space.


Scientists Warn Humanity Pushing Earth Outside 'Safe Operating Space'

A new analysis by scientists finds humanity has breached safe limits for 6 of 9 planetary boundaries that define a stable, livable planet. This pushes Earth into a danger zone with high risks of destabilization.

Key Facts & Points

  • Planetary boundaries are thresholds the world must stay within for a stable, livable planet.
  • Human activities have breached safe levels for climate change, biodiversity loss, land-use change, and more.
  • Crossing boundaries increases risks of triggering dramatic environmental changes.
  • Positive sign: Ozone layer is recovering thanks to phasing out harmful chemicals.
  • More data monitoring needed on humanity's impacts on ecosystems.


Meta Sets Sights on Rivaling GPT-4 with New AI Model

Meta is aiming to develop a powerful new AI chatbot to compete with OpenAI's GPT-4, with plans to begin training in 2024.

Key Facts & Points

  • Meta is acquiring more AI training chips and infrastructure to create the new model.
  • The goal is for the model to match GPT-4's capabilities in conversing and generating human-like text.
  • Meta wants the model to enable companies to freely build AI tools, unlike GPT-3's licensing.
  • This aligns with Meta's goals around AI personas and generative features for its apps.
  • Meta faces competition from Apple, Google, Microsoft and others also developing advanced generative AI.


Spotify launches 'daylist' feature to recommend music based on time of day

Spotify launched 'daylist', a playlist that updates throughout the day with music recommendations based on a user's listening habits at different times.

Key Facts & Points

  • Daylist is a single playlist that updates frequently to match music genres a user tends to listen to at certain times.
  • It provides new tracks at each update and the title reflects the mood of the music.
  • Daylist shows Spotify is still trying new ways to increase time spent on the platform.
  • It customizes music to a user's habits during morning, afternoon, evening times.


Webb Telescope Detects Potential Signs of Life on Ocean Planet

The James Webb Space Telescope detected carbon-based molecules like carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere of exoplanet K2-18 b. This ocean world orbits in its star's habitable zone and may have conditions suitable for life. The findings increase hopes of discovering life beyond Earth.

  • K2-18 b is an ocean planet first discovered in 2017 that orbits in its star's habitable zone where liquid water can exist.
  • Webb telescope observations revealed the presence of carbon dioxide, methane, and possibly dimethyl sulfide in K2-18 b's atmosphere.
  • Dimethyl sulfide is produced by life on Earth, so its detection raises the prospects of basic life forms like phytoplankton existing in K2-18 b's oceans.
  • The lack of ammonia in the atmosphere boosts the likelihood K2-18 b is an ocean world.