Mistral AI releases free large language model Mistral 7B

Mistral AI, a French startup, has released Mistral 7B, a free large language model under Apache 2.0 license. It outperforms other models of similar size and can be used by anyone.

Key Facts & Points

  • Mistral 7B is a 13.4GB model available via torrent or GitHub.
  • Released under Apache 2.0 license with no restrictions beyond attribution.
  • Outperforms other "small" models like Llama 2 but less capable than huge models like GPT-4.
  • Mistral's business model is offering paid white-box solutions built on the open model.


Astronaut Trapped in Space for Record 371 Days Due to Damaged Spacecraft

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio spent 371 consecutive days on the ISS, breaking the US record, after his Soyuz capsule was damaged and he couldn't return as planned. His extended stay provides an opportunity to study effects of long space missions.

Key Facts & Points

  • Frank Rubio returned after spending 371 days on the ISS, longest single spaceflight by an American.
  • His Soyuz capsule was hit by debris, causing a leak, so he couldn't return as scheduled.
  • Previous US record was 340 days by Scott Kelly. Longest overall was 437 days by a Russian cosmonaut.
  • Rubio completed around 5,936 orbits and 157 million miles during his stay.


First Image of Black Hole Reveals It's Spinning

The first image ever captured of a black hole shows that the black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy is spinning and has oscillating jets that cycle every 11 years.

Key Facts & Points

  • The black hole was imaged in 2019 and is 53 million light-years from Earth.
  • New observations over 22 years show the jets oscillate up and down every 11 years.
  • This supports Einstein's theory of general relativity regarding "frame-dragging."
  • Scientists don't yet know how fast it spins or the size of its accretion disk.


Salmon Escape in Iceland Raises Alarm for Wild Populations

Thousands of farmed salmon escaped from an Icelandic fish farm in August 2022, sparking concerns about the threat to wild salmon populations through breeding and disease transmission.

Key Facts & Points

  • The escape of mature, breeding farmed salmon occurred in the Westfjords region across multiple rivers.
  • Farmed escapees can interbreed with wild salmon, producing weaker offspring less able to survive in nature.
  • Sea lice from open-net pens can also harm wild salmon populations.
  • Iceland has rapidly expanded its salmon farming industry in recent years with minimal oversight.