The Agonizingly Slow Job Hunt

According to LinkedIn data, the average hiring cycle is taking 57+ days in the US currently. Entry-level roles average 6 weeks and senior roles 7 weeks to fill. Consulting has the longest cycle at 63 days while marketing is fastest at 49 days.

Key Facts & Points

  • It takes over 57 days on average currently to fill open roles.
  • Entry-level hires are taking around 6 weeks from application to start date.
  • For senior roles, the average hiring cycle is about 7 weeks.
  • Consulting has the longest hiring cycle at 63 days on average.
  • Marketing roles are filled fastest in 49 days as the field has a large candidate pool.
  • Hiring has slowed from 2021/2022 breakneck pace but remains strong overall.


Spotify’s $38 Million Background Noise Problem

Spotify could raise profits $38 million by steering users away from "white noise" podcasts per Bloomberg. These loop ambient sounds for relaxation but generate ad revenue.

Key Facts & Points

  • White noise podcasts could reduce Spotify's profits by $38 million per year.
  • They loop relaxing sounds like rain but contain ads that generate revenue.
  • In January 2023, they accounted for 3 million daily streaming hours.
  • Spotify considered banning future white noise podcasts but hasn't yet.
  • Creators can make up to $18,000 per month on these ads based on earlier reports.


Would You Sell Your Data for Passive Paydays?

Caden raised $15M to build out a platform allowing users to share personal data in privacy-focused ways to earn passive income. It also provides enterprises with direct consumer data access.

Key Facts & Points

  • Caden's app lets users share personal data to earn passive income.
  • Its analytics platform CadenOS gives companies direct data access with consent.
  • It has paid users tens of thousands in compensation already.
  • User data is encrypted and anonymized throughout for privacy protection.
  • Funding will accelerate hiring, product development, and go-to-market.


Turns out you can transmit sound in a vacuum, just not very far

For the first time, researchers showed sound can travel through a vacuum but only over extremely small distances, not far enough for human hearing.

Key Facts & Points

  • Sound was transmitted between crystals across a vacuum via electric fields.
  • The sound waves were converted into disruptions in a shared electric field.
  • It worked for any sound but only very small distances below one wavelength.
  • The sound transmission was often warped and not fully reliable.
  • It could help develop future microelectromechanical components.


The Gin Sonic Is Japan's Very Own Gin & Tonic Variation

The Gin Sonic mixes gin, soda water, tonic, and lime as a refreshing Japanese take on the Gin & Tonic. It was created due to Japan's sweeter tonics.

Key Facts & Points

  • It uses soda water to lighten the palate compared to regular tonics.
  • Lime juice adds balance and acidity to the drink.
  • It became popular at Tokyo bars in the 1990s led by bartenders like Takao Mori.
  • The government had banned quinine from tonics, making them very sweet.
  • Seiji Oshiro named it the Gin Sonic and popularized it in the 2000s.
  • Many Tokyo bars feature Sonic variations of popular cocktails now.